
Find Your Sexy: Undressed Skeleton

Yesterday I was browsing Pinterest and came across an interesting redirect:

 Happy girl holding carrots? You've got my attention...

The pin promised, "This girl has awesome tips on eating clean and staying healthy. She has GREAT ideas for lunches to take to work and snacks that don't require a lot of time. This is seriously the jackpot of all fitness pins .... her site is amazing!"

Although I am not currently the MOST healthy of eaters, I am definitely interesting in vegetarianism and clean eating, and am trying to get back on track with exercise and general health. I clicked through to discover Undressed Skeleton, and I have to say - this pin's advertisement did not disappoint!

For those of you who've never visited Taralynn's site before, you can read her amazing story about overcoming depression and self-loathing right here. This site is not just about Taralynn's journey, though - she has set out to help others create their own journey to happiness and positive self-esteem through healthy eating and appropriate exercise. Along with a generous selection of appetizing recipes that will have you drooling on your keyboard, there are plenty of upbeat posts on how to get started making changes, even for the most exercised-disinclined. (I'd recommend starting with this one.)

I'll definitely be visiting Taralynn's Tumblr again; go take a peek, or follow her on Twitter here. Let's get our sexy on!


  1. Thank you so much for this. It means so much to me!:) Just made my morning waking up to this. I can't wait to take a look at your projects! xo-taralynn

  2. I found her on Pinterest! Awesome story and love the recipes.
