
1 pint of ice cream, 1 blue rug

Check this out! Now you can make ice cream in a plastic ball! Looks like a hamster ball to me. Still, though, I wouldn't even be able to make it to the store & back in 20 minutes for ice cream, and besides, this looks like fun. And they come in pink!

And speaking of ice cream, I gotta stock up on heavy cream and half & half for when my brother comes to visit me next week! YAY! He is going to be so spoiled on this visit, hehehe. . .let me tell you, if you do have to move away from your familiy/friends, move somewhere people actually want to visit. (Read: NOT Temple, Texas!) That way, you have something more interesting to show them than the Wal-Mart. (Read: Temple, Texas!)

And speaking of my brother, I owe him a rug. A little over a year ago, he decided to decorate his apartment ocean-style, and asked me if I could make him a rug to go with his new decor. I picked up about 20 yards of fabric; 10 yards each true blue stretch knit and sky blue flannel. As of last night, the most progress I'd made was cutting said fabric into 1-inch strips. (And, thanks to ABC Family, now I've got the "Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory" songs stuck in my head today. . . Gene Wilder was genius, I say!)

Back to the rug! I decided to try my hand at freeform crochet; I'm thinking a circle, with waves, and. . .stuff. Will post the draft sketch tonight when I get home.

The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last!

Till next time,

1 comment:

  1. to be honest, the freeform stuff doesn't really ring my bell...

    except that sunburst! that's awesome! and in different colors it would look pretty cool as just an abstract kinda thingie...
